

API Introduction

Welcome to use Hoo API! You can use this API get market information, trading and managing your account.

The code will display on the right side of this document. Currently we only provide "shell" code examples.

It can be accessed using the following domain names:

Welcome all professional maker strategies and organizations for long term market making program.

Wallet Account API

Eligible to access portals:

API Introduction
GET /api/pub/v1/coins Get currency information interface
GET /api/pub/v1/addresses Add the address for obtaining recharge
GET /api/pub/v1/deposit/bills Get recharge records
POST /api/pub/v1/withdraw User withdrawal interface
GET /api/pub/v1/withdraw/bills Get user withdrawal records
GET /api/pub/v1/account Get account status

Public API

Verification free for below portals:

API Introduction Trading area
GET /open/v1/tickers/market All trading pairs Spot
GET /open/v1/depth/market Depth Spot
GET /open/v1/trade/market Each filled orders Spot
GET /open/v1/kline/market Market K line data Spot
GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers/market All trading pairs Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/depth/market Depth Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/trade/market Each filled orders Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/kline/market Market K line data Innovate

Verified API

Eligible to access portals:

API Introduction Trading area
GET /open/v1/tickers All or one trading pair Spot
GET /open/v1/balance Balance Spot
GET /open/v1/timestamp Server time stamp Spot
GET /open/v1/kline Market K line data Spot
GET /open/v1/depth Market depth data Spot
GET /open/v1/tickers/trade Get last 5 trade orders Spot
POST /open/v1/orders/place Place new order Spot
POST /open/v1/orders/cancel Cancel an order in order Spot
POST /open/v1/orders/batcancel Cancel all or part of the orders in order Spot
GET /open/v1/orders/last Active orders Spot
GET /open/v1/orders Order history Spot
GET /open/v1/orders/detail Get an order details Spot
GET /open/v1/orders/detailmore Paging to get order details Spot
GET /open/v1/orders/fee-rate Get the user's transaction fee for a certain transaction pair Spot
GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers All or one trading pair Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/balance Balance Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/timestamp Server time stamp Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/kline Market K line data Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/depth Market depth data Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers/trade Get last 5 trade orders Innovate
POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/place Place new order Innovate
POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/cancel Cancel an order in order Innovate
POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/batcancel Cancel all or part of the orders in order Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/orders/last Active orders Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/orders Order history Innovate
GET /open/innovate/v1/orders/detail Get an order details Innovate
GET /open/v1/orders/detailmore Paging to get order details Innovate
GET /open/v1/orders/fee-rate Get the user's transaction fee for a certain transaction pair Innovate

Connection Guide

Restful Host:

Websocket Host:

Spot wss://

Innovate wss://

Verification Notice

  1. All portals need to conduct verification. Parameters are "client_id","ts","nonce","sign". "client_id" is the api key. "client_key" is the secret key. Please be careful.
  2. Ts is the current time stamp. Query with more than 5 seconds time difference will be rejected. "nonce" is a random code that should not be the same with last time query.
  3. Signature method: link "client_id","ts","nonce" in correct order, use hmac-sha256 to sign. e.g. the unsigned code: client_id=abc&nonce=xyz&ts=1571293029
  4. Signature: sign = hmac.New(client_key, sign_str, sha256)
  5. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  6. Coin/Innovation Zone interface, please put the parameters in the request body for the post interface request, and carry the get interface request in the url link
  7. Wallet account interface, please put the authentication information in the header header information, HOO-KEY = api key, Hoo-Sign = sign, Hoo-Timestamp = ts
  8. API key has up to 5 white list IP addresses

Wallet account API

Get currency information interface

This interface obtains the currency of the HOO platform


HTTP query

Request parameters



  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "coins": [
        "coin_name": "BSV",
        "coin_id": 225,
        "chain_list": [
            "fee_unit": "BSV",
            "min_amount": "0",
            "fee": "396.54557133",
            "max_amount": "10000",
            "is_withdraw": 0,
            "is_accept": 0,
            "chain_name": "BSV"
        "coin_icon": "https:\/\/\/media\/news_thumb\/ab02d7f9-0732-4623-8f8d-b7a2dff96cf7.jpg"
    "count": 1
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
count int Number of currencies
coins array Currency details[{
coin_name string currency name
coin_id string Currency ID
chain_list array Coin-backed chains[{
fee_unit string Fee currency name
min_amount integer Minimum withdrawal amount
fee integer Amount of handling fee
max_amount string Maximum withdrawal amount
is_withdraw string Whether to allow withdrawal
is_accept string Whether to allow recharge
chain_name string Chain name}]
coin_icon string Currency icon}]

Add the address for obtaining recharge

This interface gets the user's currency address


HTTP query

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
coin_name string Yes Currency name, Example: BTC
chain_name string No Chain name,Example: BTC


  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "addresses": [
        "address": "",
        "coin_name": "USDT",
        "chain_name": "OMNI"
    "count": 1
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
addresses array Addresses of different chains of coins[{
address string address, which may be an empty string, indicating that no address has been assigned yet
coin_name string Currency name
chain_name string Chain name}]
count int Quantity

Get recharge records

This interface obtains the user's recharge record


HTTP query

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
coin_name string Yes Currency name,Example: BTC
status int No Status 1 Successful 2 In Progress 3 Failed Do not pass or pass other check all
bill_uuid string No Bill serial number
start_at string No start timestamp in seconds
end_at string No Expiration Timestamp Seconds
page string No Page number Default 1
pagesize string No The default number of entries per page is 20


  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "count": 1,
    "pagesize": 20,
    "bills": [
        "transaction_id": "",
        "amount": "80",
        "side": 1,
        "address": "",
        "coin_name": "USDT",
        "bill_uuid": "20220322114814949011120867",
        "burn_amount": "",
        "process_time": 1647920894,
        "chain_name": "ERC20",
        "status": 1
    "page": 1
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
count int Number of bills
bills array Bill[{
bill_uuid string Bill serial number
status string Status 1 Success 2 In Progress 3 Failure
process_time string Processing completion timestamp in seconds
chain_name string Chain name
amount string Quantity
address string Receiving address
transaction_id string transaction hash
side string Inside the station outside the station 1 inside the station 2 outside the station
burn_amount string Burn quantity
coin_name string Currency name}]
page int Page number
pagesize int Articles per page

User withdrawal interface

This interface user withdrawal interface


HTTP query

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
coin_name string Yes Currency name,Example: BTC
chain_name string Yes Chain name,Example: BTC
amount string Yes Quantity
to_address string Yes Receiving address
memo string Yes Receive address memo


  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "order_no": "20220426152343066472638058",
    "coin_name": "USDT",
    "chain_name": "BSC"
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
order_no string Bill serial number
coin_name string Currency name
chain_name string Chain name

Get user withdrawal records

This interface obtains the user's withdrawal record


HTTP query

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
coin_name string Yes Currency name,Example: BTC
status int No Status 1 success 2 in progress 3 failure
bill_uuid string No Bill serial number
start_at string No Start timestamp in seconds
end_at string No Expiration Timestamp Seconds
page string No Page number Default 1
pagesize string No The default number of entries per page is 20


  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "count": 1,
    "pagesize": 20,
    "bills": [
        "amount": "22",
        "side": 1,
        "fee_unit": "USDT",
        "fee": "0",
        "to_address": "",
        "transaction_list": [
        "process_time": 1650957823,
        "coin_name": "USDT",
        "bill_uuid": "20220426152343066472638058",
        "create_at": 1650957823,
        "from_address": "",
        "chain_name": "BSC",
        "status": 2
    "page": 1
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
count int Number of bills
bills array bill[{
bill_uuid string Bill serial number
status string Status 1 Success 2 In Progress 3 Failure
process_time string Processing completion timestamp in seconds
create_at string Generate timestamp in seconds
chain_name string Chain name
amount string Quantity
to_address string Receiving address
side string Inside the station outside the station 1 inside the station 2 outside the station
coin_name string Currency name
from_address string Sending address
transaction_list array List of transactions on the chain[{
index_no int Transaction number
amount string Quantity
transaction_id string Transaction hash
confirmations int Confirmation Num
total_confirmations int Total confirmations
block_url string Routing
block_id int Transaction block}]
fee string Handling fee
fee_unit string Fee currency}]
page int Page number
pagesize int Articles per page

Get account status

This interface gets the account status


HTTP query

Request parameters



  "code": "10000",
  "data": {
    "coin_name": "BTC",
    "is_withdraw": 1,
    "withdraw_left": "0.99948384",
    "withdraw_total": 1
  "message": "success"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
withdraw_total string 24h total withdrawal amount
withdraw_left string 24h remaining withdrawal amount
coin_name string Currency name
is_withdraw string Whether to allow withdrawal

WebSocket Guide

  1. Need verification before subscription
  2. Verification method: {"op":"apilogin","sign":"","client_id":"","nonce":"","ts": int type}, e.g: {"op":"apilogin","sign":"abc123","client_id":"abc123","nonce":"1","ts": 1576207749}
  3. Client need to timely upload arbitrary code to check. Server will check status every 30 seconds. Links will be closed if no information received. {"op":"sub", "topic":"hb"}

Subscription Topic

{"op":"sub", "topic": ""}

K Line Data

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "kline:1Min:EOS-USDT"}
Parameter Description
kline:1Min:EOS-USDT EOS-USDT 1 minute K line



Data refresh string list

Field name Data Type Description
symbol string Pair
ticks object K line Data
close string Local close price
high string Local highest price
low string Local lowest price
open string Local open price
timestamp integer Time Stamp ms
volume string Volume

Each filled orders

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "trade:LTC-USDT"}
Parameter Description
trade:LTC-USDT LTC-USDT Each filled orders



Data refresh string list

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Volume
price string Price
side integer Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
symbol string Pair
timestamp integer Time Stamp ms
volume string Volume

Depth change

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "depth:0:LTC-USDT"}
Parameter Description
depth:0:LTC-USDT Depth


    "bids": [
        {'price': '2.923', 'quantity': '12'}
    "asks": [
        {'price': '3.05', 'quantity': '3.48'}

Data refresh string list

Field name Data Type Description
bids object Current all buy orders[{price, quantity}]
asks object Current all sell orders[{price, quantity}]

Market information change

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "quotes"}
Parameter Description
quotes Market Information



Data refresh string list

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Amount
change string Change
price string Current price
symbol string Pair
timestamp integer Time Stamp ms
volume string Volume

Account balance change

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "accounts"}
Parameter Description
accounts Account balance change



Data refresh string list

Field name Data Type Description
available string Available balance
freeze string Locked balance
symbol string Coin
total string Total balance

Order Change

Request parameters

{"op":"sub", "topic": "orders:BTC-USDT"}
Parameter Description
orders:BTC-USDT Order Change


// Place new order

// Cancel order

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
left string Remaining number
order_id string Order id
order_type int Order Type,1 Limit,3 Market
price string Price
quantity string Amount
side int Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
status int Status 2 Outstanding,3 Partial filled,4 all filled,5 cancel after partial filled,6 all cancel
symbol string Pair
timestamp int Time to fill ms
trade_no string Trade serial number
match_qty string Filled quantity
match_price string Average transaction price

Basic information

All trading pairs

This portal will respond all pairs hoo support





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/tickers

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string no Pair


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            {'amount': '1.586',
            'change': '-0.235462',
            'high': '3.05',
            'low': '3.05',
            'price': '0',
            'symbol': 'EOS-USDT',
            'amt_num': 4,
            'qty_num': 2,
            'volume': '0.52'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string 24h amount
change string 24h change
high string 24h high
low string 24h low
price string Current price
symbol string Pair
amt_num integer Price precision
qty_num integer Amount precision
volume string 24h volume

Account balance





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/balance

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/balance

Request parameters



    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            'amount': '4317.6696678', 
            'symbol': "USDT", 
            'freeze': '71.609185'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Available balance
symbol string Coin
freeze string Locked balance

Server time stamp





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/timestamp

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/timestamp

Request parameters

This portal not receive any parameter


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "ok",
    "data": "12354534",

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
data string time stamp

Market Information

Market K line





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/kline

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/kline

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: BTC-USDT
type string yes Type e.g: 1Min, 5Min, 15Min, 30Min


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            'amount': '0',
            'close': '3.05',    
            'high': '3.05', 
            'low': '3.05', 
            'open': '3.05', 
            'time': 1571812440, 
            'volume': '0'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Volume
close string Local close price
high string Local highest price
low string Local lowest price
open string Local open price
time integer Time
volume string Volume

Market depth





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/depth

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/depth

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair


    'code': 0, 
    'data': {
        'bids': [
            {'price': '2.923', 'quantity': '12'}, 
            {'price': '2.823', 'quantity': '12'}, 
            {'price': '2.813', 'quantity': '14'}
        'asks': [
            {'price': '3.05', 'quantity': '3.48'}, 
            {'price': '3.31', 'quantity': '15'}, 
            {'price': '3.923', 'quantity': '15'}
    'msg': 'ok'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
bids object Current all buy orders[{price, quantity}]
asks object Current all sell orders[{price, quantity}]

Get last 5 trade orders





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/tickers/trade

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers/trade

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [{
        'amount': '0.918',
        'price': '2.04',
        'side': -1,
        'time': 1574942822160,
        'volume': '0.45'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Volume
price string Price
side integer Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
time integer Time
volume string Volume

Market Data

Place new order





HTTP query

Spot - POST /open/v1/orders/place

Innovate - POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/place

Request parameters(form-data parameters)

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair
price string no price, if order type is LIMIT,Required
quantity string yes quantity
side int yes Direction, 1 buy, -1 sell
order_type string no Direction, limit(default), market


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "order_id": "xxx",
        "trade_no": "xxx",

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
order_id string Order placing number
trade_no string Trade serial number

Cancel an order in order





HTTP query

Spot - POST /open/v1/orders/cancel

Innovate - POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/cancel

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair
order_id string yes Order placing number
trade_no string yes Trade serial number


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "ok",

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description

This portal not receive any parameter

Cancel all or part of the orders in order





HTTP query

Spot - POST /open/v1/orders/batcancel

Innovate - POST /open/innovate/v1/orders/batcancel

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair
order_ids string no Trading pair id, 1000, 2000, 3000, comma-separated order id, empty all cancel orders


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "ok",

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description

This portal not receive any parameter

Active orders





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/orders/last

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/orders/last

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            'symbol': 'BTC-USDT',
            'order_id': '11574744030837944',
            'trade_no': '499016576021202015341',
            'price': '7900',
            'quantity': '1',
            'match_amt': '0',
            'match_qty': '0',
            'match_price': '',
            'side': -1,
            'order_type': 1,
            'create_at': 1574744151836

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
symbol string Pair
order_id string Order ID
trade_no string Trade serial number
price string price
quantity string Amount
match_amt string Filled amount
match_qty string Filled quantity
match_price string Average price
side int Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
order_type int order_type, 1 Limit,3 Market
create_at int Create time

Order history





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/orders

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/orders

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: EOS-USDT
pagenum int no Page
pagesize int no Page size, default 20, min 10, max 50
side int no Direction,1 buy,-1 sell,0 all
start int no Starting time, time stamp
end int no Closing time, time stamp


    'code': 0, 
    'msg': 'ok',
    'data': {
        'count': 4, 
        'orders': [
                'order_id': '11574744030837944',
                'trade_no': '499016576021202015341',
                'symbol': 'BTC-USDT',
                'price': '7900',
                'quantity': '1',
                'match_amt': '0',
                'match_qty': '0',
                'match_price': '',
                'side': -1,
                'order_type': 1,
                'status': 6,
                'create_at': 1574744151836

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
order_id string Order id
trade_no string Trade serial number
symbol string Pair
price string Price
quantity string Quantity
match_amt string Filled amount
match_qty string Filled quantity
match_price string Average price
side int Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
order_type int order_type, 1 Limit,3 Market
status int Status 2 Outstanding,3 Partial filled,4 all filled,5 cancel after partial filled,6 all cancel
create_at int Created Time

Get order details





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/orders/detail

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/orders/detail

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: EOS-USDT
order_id string yes Order id


    'code': 0, 
    'data': {
        'order_id': '11574751725833010',
        'trade_no': '499073202290421221116', 
        'symbol': 'BTC-USDT', 
        'price': '70000', 
        'quantity': '0.0001', 
        'match_amt': '7', 
        'match_qty': '0.0001',
        'match_price': '70000',  
        'fee': '0.0112',
        'side': -1, 
        'order_type': 1,
        'status': 4,
        'create_at': 1574922846832,
        'trades': [{
            'amount': '7', 
            'price': '70000', 
            'quantity': '0.0001',
            'fee': '0.0112',  
            'time': 1574922846833

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
order_id string Order id
trade_no string Trade serial number
symbol string Pair
price string Price
quantity string Amount
match_amt string Filled amount
match_qty string Filled quantity
match_price string Average price
fee string fee
side int Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
order_type int order_type, 1 Limit,3 Market
status int Status 2 Outstanding,3 Partial filled,4 all filled,5 cancel after partial filled,6 all cancel
create_at int Order creation time
trades object Filled order data[{
trade_id string trade id
amount string Amount of every filled order
price string Price of every filled order
quantity string quantity of every filled order
fee string Fee of every filled order
time int Time of every filled order}]

Paging to get order details





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/orders/detailmore

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/orders/detailmore

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: EOS-USDT
pagenum int no Page
pagesize int no Page size, default 10, min 10, max 50


    'code': 0, 
    'data': {
        'count': 10,
        'trades': [
              'amount': '11574751725833010',
              'fee': '499073202290421221116',
              'symbol': 'BTC-USDT',
              'price': '70000',
              'quantity': '0.0001',
              'side': '7',
              'time': 1574922846833,
              'trade_id': 1,

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
count int quantity of order
trades object Filled order data[{
symbol string Pair
side int Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
trade_id int trade id
amount string Amount of every filled order
price string Price of every filled order
quantity string quantity of every filled order
fee string Fee of every filled order
time int Time of every filled order}]

Get the user's transaction fee for a certain transaction pair





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/fee-rate

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/fee-rate

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: EOS-USDT


    'code': 0, 
    'data': {
        'maker_fee': '0.0001',
        'taker_fee': "0.0002"

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
maker_fee string maker fee
taker_fee string taker fee

Public API

All trading pairs





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/tickers/market

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/tickers/market

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            {'amount': '1.586',
            'change': '-0.235462',
            'high': '3.05',
            'low': '3.05',
            'price': '0',
            'symbol': 'EOS-USDT',
            'amt_num': 4,
            'qty_num': 2,
            'volume': '0.52'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string 24h volume
change string 24h change
high string 24h high
low string 24h low
price string Current price
symbol string Pair
amt_num integer Price precision
qty_num integer Amount precision
volume string 24h volume






HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/depth/market

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/depth/market

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: BTC-USDT


    'code': 0, 
    'data': {
        'bids': [
            {'price': '2.923', 'quantity': '12'}, 
            {'price': '2.823', 'quantity': '12'}, 
            {'price': '2.813', 'quantity': '14'}
        'asks': [
            {'price': '3.05', 'quantity': '3.48'}, 
            {'price': '3.31', 'quantity': '15'}, 
            {'price': '3.923', 'quantity': '15'}
    'msg': 'ok'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
bids object Current all buy orders[{price, quantity}]
asks object Current all sell orders[{price, quantity}]

Each filled orders





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/trade/market

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/trade/market

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: BTC-USDT


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [{
        'amount': '0.918',
        'price': '2.04',
        'side': -1,
        'time': 1574942822160,
        'volume': '0.45'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Volume
price string Price
side integer Direction,1 buy,-1 sell
time integer Time
volume string Volume

Market K line





HTTP query

Spot - GET /open/v1/kline/market

Innovate - GET /open/innovate/v1/kline/market

Request parameters

Field name Data Type Required Description
symbol string yes Pair e.g: BTC-USDT
type string yes Type e.g: 1Min, 5Min, 15Min, 30Min


    'code': 0, 
    'data': [
            'amount': '0',
            'close': '3.05',    
            'high': '3.05', 
            'low': '3.05', 
            'open': '3.05', 
            'time': 1571812440, 
            'volume': '0'

Response Content

Field name Data Type Description
amount string Volume
close string Local close price
high string Local highest price
low string Local lowest price
open string Local open price
time integer Time
volume string Volume

Wallet account interface API call example


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import hmac
import json
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import requests
import time
import typing as t

class Hoo:
    endpoint = ""
    session = requests.session()


    POST = 'POST'
    GET = 'GET'

    def __init__(self, apikey: str, secret: str, endpoint=None):
        self.apikey = apikey
        self.secret = secret
        if endpoint:
            self.endpoint = endpoint

    def sign(self, timestamp: int, method, path, data=None):
        payload = f'{timestamp}{self.apikey}{method}{path}'
        if data is not None:
            if method == self.GET:
                payload += urlencode(data, doseq=True)
            elif method == self.POST:
                payload += json.dumps(data)
        return'utf8'), payload.encode('utf8'), digestmod='sha256').hexdigest()

    def request(self, method: str, path: str, data=None):
        return self.dispatch(method)(self.endpoint + path, **{'params' if method == self.GET else 'json': data}).json()

    def request_signed(self, method: str, path: str, data=None):
        timestamp = int(time.time() * 1e3)
        signature = self.sign(timestamp, method.upper(), path, data=data)
        return self.dispatch(method)(self.endpoint + path, **{
            'headers': {
                self.HEADER_APIKEY: self.apikey,
                self.HEADER_TIMESTAMP: str(timestamp),
                self.HEADER_SIGNATURE: signature,
            'params' if method == self.GET else 'json': data

    def dispatch(self, method: str):
        return {
            'GET': self.session.get

    def coins(self):
        return self.request_signed(self.GET, '/api/pub/v1/coins')

    def addresses(self, coin_name: str = "", chain_name: str = ""):
        return self.request_signed(self.GET, '/api/pub/v1/addresses', data={
            "coin_name": coin_name,
            "chain_name": chain_name,

    def deposit_bills(self, coin_name: str, status: int = None, bill_uuid: str = None, start_at: int = None,
                        end_at: int = None, page: int = None, pagesize: int = None):
        return self.request_signed(self.GET, '/api/pub/v1/deposit/bills', data={
            'coin_name': coin_name,
            'status': status if status else 0,
            'bill_uuid': bill_uuid if bill_uuid else "",
            'start_at': start_at if start_at else 0,
            'end_at': end_at if end_at else 0,
            'page': page if page else 1,
            'pagesize': pagesize if pagesize else 20

    def withdraw(self, coin_name: str, chain_name: str, amount: str, to_address: str, memo: str):
        return self.request_signed(self.POST, '/api/pub/v1/withdraw', data={
            'coin_name': coin_name,
            'chain_name': chain_name,
            'amount': amount,
            'to_address': to_address,
            'memo': memo

    def withdraw_bills(self, coin_name: str, status: int = None, bill_uuid: str = None, start_at: int = None,
                        end_at: int = None, page: int = None, pagesize: int = None):
        return self.request_signed(self.GET, '/api/pub/v1/withdraw/bills', data={
            'coin_name': coin_name,
            'status': status if status else '',
            'bill_uuid': bill_uuid if bill_uuid else 0,
            'start_at': start_at if start_at else 0,
            'end_at': end_at if end_at else 0,
            'page': page if page else 1,
            'pagesize': pagesize if pagesize else 20

    def account(self):
        return self.request_signed(self.GET, '/api/pub/v1/account')

def print_json(v):
    print(json.dumps(v, indent=2))

def main():
    apikey = 'xxxxx'
    secret = 'xxxxx'
    hoo = Hoo(apikey=apikey, secret=secret)

if __name__ == '__main__':

API Example


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import requests
import time
import hmac
import hashlib
import ujson
import random

host = ""
client_id = ""
client_key = ""

def gen_sign(client_id, client_key):
    ts = int(time.time())
    nonce = "abcdefg"
    obj = {"ts": ts, "nonce": nonce, "sign": "", "client_id": client_id}
    s = "client_id=%s&nonce=%s&ts=%s" % (client_id, nonce, ts) 
    v =, s.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
    obj["sign"] = v.hexdigest()
    return obj 

print("> Active orders")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/orders/last"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/orders/last"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "ETH-USDT"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Get an order details")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/orders/detail"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/orders/detail"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"order_id": "11574751725833010", "symbol": "BTC-USDT"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Paging to get order details")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/orders/detailmore"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/orders/detailmore"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "BTC-USDT", "pagesize": 10, "pagenum": 1"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Get the user's transaction fee for a certain transaction pair")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/orders/fee-rate"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/orders/fee-rate"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "BTC-USDT"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Market K line")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/kline"
# Innovate
path = "/open/innovate/v1/kline"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "EOS-USDT", "type": "1Min"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Account balance")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/balance"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/balance"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Get last 5 trade orders")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/tickers/trade"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/tickers/trade"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "EOS-USDT"})
res = requests.get(host + path, params=obj)

print("> Place new order")
# Spot
path = "/open/v1/orders/place"
# Innovate
# path = "/open/innovate/v1/orders/place"
obj = gen_sign(client_id, client_key)
obj.update({"symbol": "BTC-USDT", "price": "8850.21", "quantity": "0.1", "side": "1", "order_type": "LIMIT"})
res = + path, data=obj)

Websocket Example


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import time
import hmac
import hashlib
import websockets
import json
import asyncio
import uvloop


# Spot
host = "wss://"
# Innovate
# host = "wss://"
client_id = ""
client_key = ""

def login():
    ts = int(time.time())
    nonce = "abcdefg"
    obj = {"ts": ts, "nonce": nonce, "sign": "", "client_id": client_id, "op": "apilogin"}
    s = "client_id=%s&nonce=%s&ts=%s" % (client_id, nonce, ts)
    v =, s.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
    obj["sign"] = v.hexdigest()
    return obj

async def sub_topic(ws):
    sub = "depth:0:EOS-USDT"
    await ws.send(json.dumps({"op": "sub", "topic": sub}))

async def startup():
    print("start to connect %s..." % host)
    ws = await websockets.connect(host)

    obj = login()
    await ws.send(json.dumps(obj))
    await sub_topic(ws)

    while 1:
            data = await ws.recv()
        except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
            print("connect closed...", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

